Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How to protect your cards

Now if you love to play magic the gathering you might want to keep your cards in good shape. So a good way to protect your cards is to buy some card sleeves. The card sleeves allow you to put one card into each sleeve and it helps to keep the corners nice and sharp. Your can buy these sleeves at local card shops or you can go online and find some really nice looking ones. And after you have bought the sleeves you might want to buy a card box. Card boxes have different sizes there are single deck boxes and there are larger boxes to store more than a deck. I own a deck box and i love it because it keep my cards close together and with the sleeves on it is double protecting my cards from any damage. So go out and buy some card protection.

Mana Symbols

In the magic the gathering trading card game the main thing that you have to understand is the mana costs. Now in order to summon the different creatures that you have in your deck you have to play down land cards that represent different manas. Like mountain is the fire symbol, swamp is the skull, plains is the sun, forest is a tree, and an island is a drop of water. These lands are the most important part of your deck. If you look at a card you will see symbols in the top right hand corner, that is how much mana you have to tap in order to play down the card. It might take a while to play down enough land cards to play down any other cards so play it smart and pack your deck with some low mana costing creatures, instants, etc. So make sure that your deck has a lot of land cards so your deck should focus on two main land for your deck, later on you could mix as many lands as you want but you should start out with two different lands.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

starter decks and duel deck

If you are new to this magic the gathering game you are probably wondering what cards should i start out with. Well i reccommend that you check out you local card shop and if you dont have a card shop go to wal-mart or target and look for magic the gathering pre built decks like duel decks which come with two pre built decks. The single pre built decks will get you started with a full deck of cards so that you can jump right into playing the game. The picture above is a duel deck that i recommend to new players because two people can start to learn how to play and you can both split the payment 50/50. Remember check your local stores for magic the gathering cards and even check on ebay because you can get some really good cards in a bundle for a really good price. Comment If you have any other questions.

Welcome fellow plainswalkers

I am not the best magic the gathering player but i like to play the game Magic the Gathering. This is a site for some other players to see and comment on the blogs that i put up. I might one day put a blog about spacific cards or i might ask people for tips for other people and i might even give some tips for all of the newer players. And before you know it everyone that visits this site will be a great magic the gathering player.